Child Birth #2
My second pregnancy was a hard pregnancy. My original due date was Oct. 25th 1993, but he was being stubborn and wasn't born for another 8 days. It was then that I was induced, come hell or high water I was going to deliver him that day. While I was pushing, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was turning blue. They took him right a way to get his color back. It was a scary situation but it ended well. I was told he was a girl but when I told the nurse her name, another nurse said, "that's a funny name for a girl". November 2, 1993 Justin was born. Can I say, "being induced sucks"! Any mom's out there who have been induced may or may not agree with me on that, everyone handles things differently. Justin was about a year or year and a half old when he got his first pair of glasses. We had to get a strap for him to keep his glasses on, he didn't like that too much. Isn't he cute with glasses?